Slick Skis Wheelchair Attachment


Great for rolling easily through sand and snow.



The  Slick Skis will make both sand and snow so much easier to navigate by allowing your front caster wheels to sit on top of the surface and glide with ease. The biggest struggle in both sand and snow is the way your small front wheels drag and bury themselves. The  Slick Skis will also protect your wheel’s bearings from getting filled with sand and snow. Slick Skis can give you access to terrain that may have been off limits but now you can have more fun outdoors.

Slick Skis are extremely easy to attach to almost any chair, as long as the proportions of the chair are correct. Attach while sitting in your chair and easily fit to the front caster wheels. To fit into the Slick Skis , front wheels must be between 3-inches and 12-inches in diameter. Front wheels must also be between 0.75-inch and 2-inches in width.

*Pick up at State HQ only, requires installing.

View Living Spinal Slick Skis for more information.


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Slick Skis Wheelchair Attachment