At FAAST, we believe that:
Above all, Floridians with disabilities shall have the opportunity to pursue:
In pursuit of these paramount values, FAAST abides by these guiding operating principles:
Information and assistance activities are conducted to provide individuals with accurate, timely, and complete responses to their requests for information about assistive technology devices and services and about the AT services offered by FAAST.
#FAASTFact: In 2020, FAAST provided information and assistance services to 2,676 individuals.
FAAST puts individuals in contact with other agencies, organizations, or companies (regional demonstration centers) that can provide them with needed information on AT products, devices, services, funding sources, or other related disability topics; or provide intensive assistance to individuals on AT products, devices, services, funding
sources, or other related disability topics.
Answers the question, “Which technologies and strategies can I use to improve my functioning during a specific activity?” A formal assistive technology assessment is provided by someone recognized as a provider of assistive technology services by public and private funding agencies.
Purchasing, leasing, or otherwise providing for acquiring assistive technology devices.
I am selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, maintaining, repairing, or replacing assistive technology devices.
Coordinating and using other therapies, interventions, or services with assistive technology devices, such as those associated with existing education and rehabilitation plans and programs.
Device Demonstration/Loan
Demonstrating a variety of AT devices and/or services by personnel familiar with such devices and services and their applications, allowing individuals to make an informed choice.
How Can You Get Services From FAAST? Contact the Regional Demonstration Center that services your county. That’s it… No formal referral is necessary. Anyone may utilize services. Services are provided at no cost.