Voice Dream Writer app


Voice Dream Writer app helps everyone write better: Text-to-Speech proofreading reduces mistakes, phonetic and meaning search help you use the right words, and an active outline helps you organize and improve the structure of your writing.

*This app must be loaded on a FAAST iPad



Voice Dream Writer reads your writing using Text-to-Speech, so you can easily spot awkward sentences, grammatical errors and typos. Also, it can read words and sentences as you type or voice dictate. This way, you can type faster because you no longer have to look up to check the text you just wrote.

Voice Dream Writer helps you find the right words using phonetic search and meaning search. For example, search for “inuf” phonetically, and you will find “enough”, and search for “Fast Africa Cat” by meaning and you will find “Cheetah.” Word Finder also shows you the dictionary definition of a word as you type without you having to select anything or open another program.

As you write, Voice Dream Writer automatically creates an outline of headings, paragraphs and sentences. The Outline helps you structure your document better by giving you an always-on overview. You can also quickly navigate to a section in a long document without endless scrolling. Finally, you can drag and drop elements in the Outline to organize your writing. No more selecting, cutting and pasting large blocks of text.

The app is not only fully accessible, it was designed with students and adults with print disabilities in mind. There are special tools for VoiceOver users to manage the cursor, select text, and find and correct misspelled words by stepping through them. Voice-based Proofreading and Phonetic Search are invaluable for people with dyslexia. Also included is the research-proven Dyslexie font.


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Voice Dream Writer app available in the lending library at FAAST.org

Voice Dream Writer app