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Assistive Technology Reutilization Grant Application 2022

The Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology, Inc. (FAAST) is accepting grant applications for assistive technology reutilization activities. Reutilization grants are $10,000 and support activities from October 1, 2022-September 30, 2023. The purpose of this grant program is to increase reutilization services for Floridians who have disabilities throughout the state.


FAAST describes reutilization activities as activities that exchange, repair, recycle or other reutilization of assistive technology devices (including durable medical equipment), which may include redistribution through device sales, loans, rentals, or donations.


Grant applicants must provide reutilization services as defined:

  • Device Exchange
    • Listing devices in a “want ad”-type posting to FAAST’s AT Classifieds. Consumers can contact and arrange to obtain the device (either by purchasing it or obtaining it for free) from the current owner. Exchange activities do not involve warehousing inventory and do not include sanitation or refurbishing of used devices.
  • Device Reassignment and Refurbishment
    • Activities in which devices are accepted (usually by donation) into an inventory; are sanitized and/or refurbished as needed; and then offered for sale, loan, rental, or given away to consumers as redistributed products. The consumer becomes the permanent owner of the device.
  • Device Repair
    • Activities in which device(s) are repaired for an individual (without the ownership of the device changing hands) thus avoiding the owner’s need to purchase a new device.


To be eligible, organizations must 1) currently have a reutilization program(s) or similar program(s), 2) be a nonprofit, and 3) be based in Florida. Preference will be given to organizations led by or employing individuals who have disabilities who utilize assistive technologies.


To ensure statewide support, only one grant will be given per geographical area (as determined by completed applications received). This application is limited to one grant per organization. Services provided by this grant will be reported by FAAST to the Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) and the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and should be considered additional services to any program currently funded by VR or ACL.


Applications should be submitted by Friday, August 5, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. ET (in Word or .pdf format) via email to wdoyle@faast.org AND hbrock@faast.org. Applications must not exceed three pages. Grant awards will be announced by Friday, August 26, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. ET.

Organization Name:

Contact Name:

Contact Email:

Organization Address:

Organization FEIN#:

Geographical Area Services will be Provided:

Organization is Led by or Employs Individuals who have Disabilities: ____Yes ____No


  1. What need(s) of the disability community does the organization propose to meet?


  1. Describe the organization’s current experience with providing reutilization services. How many people were served by your reutilization program or similar program in the last year? Two years?


  1. Describe the reutilization services that will be provided with this funding. Provide a quantitative goal for each service (to be reported quarterly).


  1. Approximately how many people will be helped and with what kind(s) of outreach effort(s)?

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