Avaz Pro – AAC app for Autism


Avaz, a full-featured AAC app, is child- and caregiver-friendly, and has been developed for children who are non-verbal or who have difficulty speaking. Avaz has been designed with the vision of making every voice heard!This app must be loaded on a FAAST iPad



Avaz’s user interface is designed to make speech therapy more effective, develop a child’s language, and improve his/her intent to communicate. Avaz uses picture symbols and high-quality voice synthesis to help users create messages. It comes with 3 research-based, graded picture vocabularies, and a Core Words set that will help a child begin to communicate. These vocabularies have been designed to facilitate spontaneous novel utterance generation, encouraging a child to not only use language, but also generalize from it. While Avaz helps a child get started quickly with pictures, it’s also great for facilitating easy transition into text. Avaz’s keyboard has support for saving and loading text, a Quick response bar for frequently-used messages, and a picture-assisted text prediction capability for sight readers. Avaz features animation for maximizing reinforcement, the ability to remove distracting content from the screen, fine-grained control over the speech output, and a high-contrast mode. Avaz is exceptionally easy to customize, and comes with 7 high-quality voices from Ivona. You can even record your own voice!


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Avaz Pro - AAC app for Autism available in the lending library at FAAST.org

Avaz Pro - AAC app for Autism