Graphic representation of the Florida Alliance for Assistive Services & Technology for the blog news

Wheelchair users from across the country will host a virtual town hall meeting on Aug. 13 at 7 PM EST. The purpose of the town hall is to educate the public on HR 2708 Ensuring Access to Quality Complex Rehabilitation Technology Act. A press release for the event stated, “Our mission is to provide an outlet for CRT (Complex Rehabilitation Technology) users to share their unique stories and educate through personal experience.”

Attendees of the town hall will receive tools and strategies for advocating the passage of important legislation like HR 2708 and HR 2293 Protecting Access to Wheelchairs Act.

HR 2708 ensures individuals with significant disabilities and chronic medical conditions access specialized wheelchairs and adaptive equipment technology.

HR 2293 would stop CMS from applying bid pricing for complex rehab manual wheelchairs for one year.